Valentine’s Day Outfit Inspo Lookbook

Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I know most people make plans for the occasion, I wanted to offer three different perspectives on potential outfit combos.  These looks work whether for a first date, dinner with your longtime significant other, or even a girls’ night celebration.  Which one would you go for?  I guess it depends on the venue, and of course your personal preferences.  I have plans for dinner with my hubby, and will likely opt for something along the lines of the “fun & flirty” floral dress.  Though honestly, I LOVE all these looks!!



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OTK Boot Obsession

I am seriously obsessed with boots.  Living in So Cal, where the weather is warm most of the year, I don’t get to wear them as much as I’d like…but when winter rolls around I pretty much ignore all my other shoes.  Our coldest months tend to be January and February, so now is my time to make the most of it.  Being short, I own a lot of ankle boots (or booties) that fit more like shoes and don’t cut my leg in an awkward place.  I do struggle more with mid-calf styles.  However, I absolutely LOVE over-the-knee boots.  My obsession with OTK boots began several years back, when they first started trending really hard.  I loved the badass vibe they evoked, but wasn’t so sure that they’d work for me given my height.  Shopping online, I spotted a pair from Report that looked totally rock-and-roll (and way more expensive than they actually were), so I took the risk and ordered them.  It was probably one of the best purchases I ever made, as I couldn’t love those boots more (pictured below).  I even wore them when I competed on air for the title of Macy’s Next Style Star!

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Holiday Plans | London Bound

For those of you who know me or follow my blog, you’ll know that my hubby is British.  He moved to the US about 20 years ago now, and is a dual British/US citizen.  ALL his family however is back in the UK.  He’s super close with them (mom, siblings, and extended family too, not to mention a daughter with his ex) so we make frequent trips across the pond.  We have an arrangement where we spend every other Christmas in England, and we’ll be leaving tomorrow.  It gives me a great excuse to shop for winter clothes that I wouldn’t normally need here in Cali.  I’ve spent the last month stockpiling wooly sweaters and plaid scarves 🙂  I usually plan my packing in advance – even if I don’t actually pack, I plan all the outfits in my head.  I’ve been so many times that I have a sort of system down.  We also tend to visit in the summer, and though the items I pack are different, the idea is the same.


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Thanksgiving Outfit Planning: Trendy & Chic

Thanksgiving is exactly two weeks away, and I’m sure most of you have plans that involve sitting around a table with family and/or friends.  In my case, Thanksgiving is traditionally held at my aunt’s house, which is nearby, so I don’t really have to travel.  My mom and dad aren’t close unfortunately, but my aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandma are.  My hubby and I attend every year, and in addition to family, we see some other friendly faces that we only catch a few times a year.  I like to look nice for Thanksgiving, and usually err on the fancier side, wearing a dress of some sort.  That’s not to say a casual Thanksgiving look is out of the question…there’s something very comforting about being cozy while you eat and drink yourself silly.  But either way, I like to plan my outfit in advance.  This year I got to thinking about how to incorporate some major fall trends into my Thanksgiving outfit.  Contrary to popular belief, trendy doesn’t have to be tacky.  It’s easy to incorporate seasonal styles in a way that’s chic and timeless.  So here are some ideas that would be easy for anyone to recreate.


TG Cas Continue reading

Happy Halloween | Costume Idea + Throwback

Halloween is easily one of my favorite holidays.  Growing up in a warm climate (South Florida) and now living in another warm climate, we don’t really “feel” the fall until late October.  In fact, like clockwork, the weather has just begun to turn cool.  So Halloween for me has always marked a change in seasons…a time when the hot summer sun finally lets up to cooler days.  Of course I love the spooky element, and the dress up element, and the fact that everyone seems to take it so seriously.  Halloween is one of those holidays where grownups get to act like kids.  (For my hubby it’s an excuse to munch on candy all week until the trick-or-treaters come and clean us out.)  I usually like to have something planned for the occasion, but unfortunately, this year my little (big) doggy isn’t well.  She just had major knee surgery and needs constant attention, so we can’t actually leave her for the night.  Instead we’ll probably sit outside on the front porch handing out candy, with our little baby resting on her bed nearby. Nonetheless, I got to thinking what I would wear in case I do feel like dressing up.  Since I didn’t plan a costume in advance, I wanted to pull something from my existing wardrobe, and I immediately thought of the pretty pink tutu dress I scooped up at BCBG some years back.  It’s sweet and simple and very much like a tutu except it’s an actual dress, and it offers a lot of versatility.  Which is great, because I don’t want to go the ballerina route.  Instead I thought of those cute little cupcake dolls I used to have as a kid – the ones with the big full skirts and the floppy cupcake hats.  They were even scented to smell like different sweets!  Anyway, I think it would be fun to transform my tutu into a cupcake inspired costume, using many of the items I already have laying around…what do you think?!
cupcake costume

Style board inspo for my costume 🙂  I already have the tutu, floppy hat, mint heels, etc.  And don’t you just loooooove the cupcake bag and earrings from Kate Spade?!

Here’s the dress itself, last time I wore it, for an evening event…styled very differently, but again I love the versatility.  Sorry for the blurry (super old iPhone) photos, lol.

cupcake dolls

Here are some pics of the actual cupcake dolls, sold in the early 90’s, then discontinued.  I legit loved these things.  You could flip their skirts inside-out and they would turn into sweet smelling cupcakes.  (You can still buy them here btw.)  I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, not that anyone else would necessarily get my cupcake reference.

I think I have a tendency towards super girly costumes, which is interesting because my personal style is definitely more edgy.  This totally reminds me of the year I dressed up as Marie Antoinette, inspired by Holly Madison of then Girls Next Door fame…DSCN0566

 I even bought my costume at Trashy Lingerie, where Holly originally had hers made.  Hubby and I partied on the Queen Mary in Long Beach that year…it was a fun weekend.

ANYWAY, hope you all have a wonderful Halloween weekend!!!  Feel free to share your own costume plans in the comments.

Summer Sale Steals

Okay sooooo life has been way hectic lately and I’ve been super MIA here on the blog.  Just a quick post to alert y’all to this awesome 70% off sale happening NOW at  I scored a ton of stuff for under $200 because it’s an additional 70% off already reduced prices.  The best news is, there’s a huge selection of sale merch…it’s not just a few items here and there.  A lot of sale styles are summer ready, so you can easily get some wear out of them for the next month or so.  Happy shopping and I promise to be back in full swing sometime very soon!!

Loft Sale


Embroidered Shirtdress / Mosaic Tunic DressFull Bloom Maxi DressTropical Midi Dress

T.J.Maxx Mini Shopping Haul

Anyone who knows me (or follows this blog) knows that I’m a huge fan of deals.  I don’t like paying full price for anything if I can help it.  Often times that involves trolling my favorite brands for sales, but sometimes stores like T.J.Maxx come in handy too!  There’s a pretty nice T.J.Maxx right nearby, and I popped in over the weekend to scoop up some new soaps and such.  Of course I walked out with a bit more than planned, but I didn’t spend much at all, so it worked out perfectly.

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I specifically went shopping to pick up some hand soap and body wash.  I like fancy hand soap for the bathrooms and I prefer organic or all natural body wash (which amazingly T.J. stocks).  I picked up two pretty bottles of hand soap and some natural argan oil body wash that smells delicious.  I also got a bottle of Bliss Fabulous Foaming Body Wash (normally $20 ) for $8!  And then I got tempted in the checkout line by this adorable “bee happy” mug.  I almost didn’t grab it, but for $2.99 it was too cute, and given how much coffee I drink, definitely worth it.

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Of course, I had to scout out the shoes and handbags (just can’t help myself).  Glad I did because I found a lovely pale minty green Nicole Miller Handbag for $35 (original price $105) and an adorable pair of Lucky Brand espadrilles for $25 (original price $69).  Finally, I spotted this tee shirt which couldn’t be ignored because the statement is just too true.  I love how the tee, handbag, and flats all coordinate, and I plan to style a look with all three sometime soon.

Just in case you don’t make it into T.J.Maxx anytime soon (not to mention each one stocks different merch), here are some similar products available online: Coconut Vanilla Organic Hand Soap / Argan Oil Body Wash / Beehive Mug / Minty Bag / Coffee Tee

Thanks for reading and please don’t hesitate to comment!!  I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions ❤